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How to Grow Blog Traffic
For the longest time, I struggled to get blog traffic.
I watched course after course that guaranteed to grow your blog traffic by 30,000 per month.
I tried doing what the courses said, but every time I published a blog post, there was just nothing.
No one was reading my blog.
I had worked so hard, but I felt like I was getting no where.
Sure, blog views weren’t everything because I enjoy writing posts to help people.
But it was still so frustrating.
I’m so happy to tell you that in one month, I grew my blog traffic by over 500%.
Here’s the screenshot showing that I exploded my blog traffic by 538% just in the month of June.
Update: My blog has continued to grow way more since then. I used the Pinterest with Ell course to skyrocket my blog traffic using Pinterest. This is the best affordable Pinterest course there is.

If you feel like you’re stuck and want to get more blog traffic, please read this.
I’m gonna let you in on how I grew my blog traffic by over 500%
P. S. If you haven’t started a blog yet or want a refresher, you can check out this ultimate guide to starting a blog.
All you have to do is get your discount from Bluehost using this link << and then you’ll be on your way to having a blog that makes money!

Why No One is Reading your Blog
Before we can talk about what to do to get more blog traffic, we have to talk about why no one is reading your blog in the first place.
You’re not Promoting It
A lot of bloggers start out thinking that people are just going to start reading their blog.
People can’t read your blog if no one knows it exists.
You have to actually get out there and promote your blog for people to see it.
Blog Design
I’m sorry, but if your blog isn’t pretty, people probably aren’t going to read it.
You need to have a well designed blog that’s easy to navigate and not cluttered.
When I go to a website that’s aesthetically pleasing, I’m more likely to go back to it. Plus it looks more professional.
Blogging Takes Time
One thing I’ve realized is how much time you really need to put into your blog.
If you can write up a blog post in 20 minutes, odds are you’re not doing it right.
You have to always be learning new things and putting time into your blog.
I’ve put together this free blog planner to help you out.
You’re Not Optimizing It
For your blog to be found, you have to optimize your blog as a whole and each individual post.
This means doing keyword research.
If you’re a new blogger, you’re not going to rank for keywords that all of the big bloggers have already ranked for.
You really have to start the low competition long-tail keywords to have a chance.
Remember when you’re promoting your blog on social media, you should also be using keywords and always thinking about ways you can optimize your posts.
How to Grow Blog Traffic
Now that you know the things you shouldn’t be doing to grow blog traffic, let’s talk about how I grew my blog traffic by over %500.
Pinterest Strategy 2020
The main thing I did to grow my blog traffic was change my Pinterest strategy.
Before the month of June, I didn’t have a Pinterest strategy.
If you’re just randomly posting sometimes on Pinterest (like I was), this is how to not get blog traffic.
You need to have a strategy for promotion.
Before, I would post maybe 2 or 3 times per day, and that was it.
I didn’t put any thought into the keyword research or board descriptions.
Optimize Your Pinterest
The first thing I did to change my Pinterest strategy was I optimized my profile and boards.
I added keywords that I talk about to my Pinterest name.
I added a board description that also included specific key words for every single board.
You’re only supposed to pin the same image to a board one time, but I wanted to keep my pins circulating for longer.
So what I did was add multiple boards that covered the same topics but used a different variation of keywords.
For example I have a starting a blog board and how to start a blog board.
If you want to see how I optimized my profile, here is the link to it.
Fresh Pins
An update on Pinterest stated that they now want fresh pins.
This means that you can use the same link, but use a different image.
No more repinning from your own content, you have to upload new content.
Now creating fresh pins everyday can be hard, but I have a little secret that can make it easier.
I made about 30 Pinterest templates on Canva, so now when I write a new article, I just go to those templates and change the text and image and then I’m done!
I’d suggest posting at least 30 different images throughout the day.
Use Tailwind
Tailwind has been HUGE factor in how I grew my blog traffic by over 500%.
I got a free month of Tailwind by using someone’s link (which you can do below) and the majority of my traffic came from this.
Pinterest would now rather you use personal boards instead of group boards.
In the past, group boards were a great way to get your posts in front of more people.
Now that it’s changed, the best way to get blog traffic from Pinterest is by using Tailwind Tribes.
You post your pins to relevant tribes and other people will share it to Pinterest.
Since Pinterest wants fresh pins now, the best way to do that is by scheduling them through Tailwind.
This will ensure that you’re not coming off as spammy, but you can still create a lot of posts.
Get your first month of Tailwind free by signing up using this link!
Keyword Research
Another thing I did this month to explode my blog traffic was doing a lot more keyword research.
Instead of randomly writing content without even thinking about keywords, I used Google’s keyword planner to find low competition keywords that I could use in my posts.
I searched for 3 or 4 long-tail keywords to really focus on throughout my blog posts.
Ever since, I’ve been getting more traffic directly from search engines.
Be careful not to keyword stuff though, because that could get you penalized!
WordPress Theme
The middle of last month, I ran a test to see how fast my site was, and I was surprised to find that it was way slower than it should have been.
I wasn’t happy with the design, so I bit the dust and bought a theme on Etsy from StudioMommyDesign.
This made my website a ton times faster because it wasn’t so bogged down.
It made navigation a lot easier and it just looks so much better than my old design.
How I Grew my Blog Traffic: Final Thoughts
In summary, I grew my blog traffic by over 500% by
- Changing my Pinterest strategy (don’t forget to get Tailwind)
- Doing more and better keyword research
- Changing my blog design and increasing website speed
Even if you’re discouraged, I promise you can grow you’re blog traffic! I was right where you are once too. Don’t give up!
Please share this to Pinterest if it was helpful.
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