How to find yourself in your 20s.
Being in your 20s is a confusing time. There’s so much going on in your life. Some people are married and have kids. Some have just started careers. Some are still in college and some have no idea what they want to do with their life. All of these are okay.
But it’s easy to lose yourself. When you start working, having to deal with finances, having kids, etc. you tend to lose yourself along the way. Don’t worry. You can find your way eventually or make a new way!

How to find yourself in your 20s
Accept that you don’t have everything figured out
You don’t have to be perfect. You can be imperfect and still be happy, as long as you are making the best decisions for yourself.
If you’re feeling lost or unsure about where your life is heading, it’s normal to feel like no one else feels the way that you do about certain things. What helps me when I’m feeling this way is confronting my feelings and figuring out what exactly I want from my future.
The truth is: there isn’t one correct way of living your life—and there never will be! It’s OK if you aren’t a millionaire or don’t love your job. Besides, it’s never too late to change your career (I know it does make it hard financially). The most important thing is finding what makes sense for who YOU are right now—not just what you think would make you happy later down the line.
Join a community of people who share your passions.
One of the best ways to find yourself in your 20s is by joining a community of people who share your passions. You’ll be able to connect with other like-minded individuals, who don’t necessarily have to live in the same city or even state as you do. An online community can be an excellent way for you to find new friends and learn from them.
If possible, try finding groups on social media platforms like Facebook or Instagram that caters specifically towards interests that interest YOU! For example if I’m interested in photography then I’ll look up photography groups on these platforms where they discuss all things related including gear reviews (iPhones vs Samsungs) tips & tricks etc.. This way instead of just being stuck in one place talking about what happened last night at work then we can also talk about our weekend plans too!
Stop comparing yourself to others.
When you compare yourself to others, you don’t know what their lives are about. Maybe they have a lot more money than yours and their job is more rewarding. Maybe they have much less responsibility than yours, but feel like it doesn’t matter because they still love doing what they do. Or so it seems. In order to find yourself, you need to stop comparing yourself to others!
You might be jealous of someone else’s relationship status or family life—but don’t forget that everyone has different circumstances and goals!
Social media makes it so hard. You see the best of everyone. You have to remember that they’re showing the highlights of their life. Not the hard parts.
Get out of your comfort zone.
You can’t break out of your comfort zone if you don’t even know where it is. The first step in finding yourself is to get out of your comfort zone. That means doing something that scares you and sticking with it for a while, no matter how hard it gets or what obstacles may come up along the way.
For example:
- Do something new—like learning how to code or try out an unknown sport (you could also take up cooking).
- Meet new people—even if they’re not necessarily like-minded (for example, if there’s someone who seems nice but doesn’t share similar interests with you).
Stop worrying about pleasing everyone else.
Stop worrying about pleasing everyone else.
In your 20s, the world is full of people who want you to be something other than who you are.
Stop trying so hard for others’ approval; instead focus on being true to yourself and living life well in this stage of our lives where everything is new and exciting!
Don’t be afraid to take risks.
Take risks that you know you can handle. Taking a risk is always scary, but it’s worth it in the end if it helps you grow and become a better person. If you’re afraid of taking risks, try doing them anyway! They might not turn out as planned, but they’ll definitely be worth the experience if they open your eyes to new ways of thinking or living life. For example:
- Try something new – maybe try cooking or going on a hike with friends?
- Learn something new – take language classes at school or join an intramural sport team at college (you never know what skills those experiences will give).
Take time for self-care and really listen to your body.
Self-care is important, and it’s something that you need to take seriously. As we enter our twenties, it’s easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of life—fun social events, big milestones like moving out of your parents’ house or getting a job—and forget about ourselves. We might think that self-care means taking time off work so we can do nothing but watch Netflix (or whatever your vice of choice happens to be) all day long. But really: how often do we get enough sleep? How much fresh air or water do we drink each day? How often do we eat meals prepared by someone else? How many hours per week are spent exercising regularly?
Self-care is more than just relaxing at home after a stressful day at work; it means taking care of yourself physically as well as mentally and emotionally.
Figure out what you want.
The hard thing about learning how to find yourself in your 20s is a lot of us don’t have things figured out, so it’s hard to know what we want. It’s time to start making some of those choices! Of course you don’t have to have everything figured out, so start small.
Start setting some goals. What do you want to happen in the next year and how are you going to get there? When you’re ready, start setting some long term goals and make a plan for how you’re going to achieve them.
Learn from your mistakes.
Mistakes are a part of life, even though they really really suck at the time. How would you learn and grow as a person if you didn’t make mistakes?
Whether it’s in your relationship, at work, or just something personal, don’t let mistakes get you down too bad. Try to be introspective and figure out what you’re going to change to not make that mistake again.
Cultivate a strong support network.
One of the most important things you can do for yourself is cultivate a strong support network. It’s always good to have people in your life who will be there for you no matter what.
A strong support network is about more than just having people who care about and appreciate you; it means having people around whom you feel safe enough to be yourself—something that’s often difficult for 20-somethings who are still trying out their identities as adults. It also means being able to talk openly with them about anything (or nothing), knowing that they won’t judge or dismiss the things you say.
Learn to recognize and love what you have to offer the world.
Another part of learning how to find yourself in your 20s is learning to love and accept what you have to offer the world. It will help you to see that there’s more to you than just your flaws, and it will also make it easier for others who are struggling with their own issues (or who want someone else’s advice) to relate. The point is not just about valuing what you bring as a person, but also how much value we can bring as a whole society when we work together in harmony.
Sometimes it’s hard for us to see that we do have something to offer, no matter how small we think it may be.
Talk about your feelings
Talking about your feelings is one of the best ways to find yourself in your 20s. It can be hard, and that’s okay!
- When you’re feeling scared or confused, talk about it with someone who cares about you.
- Ask for help—you don’t have to do everything yourself!
Get rid of toxic people in your life.
Another step to finding yourself in your 20s is getting rid of the toxic people in your life.
Toxic people are the ones who suck up all of your energy and make you feel like a zombie. They’re the ones who make you feel like it’s impossible to be yourself, or they’ll drag you down into their self-destructive behavior and make life miserable for everyone else around them. Toxic people don’t care about anyone but themselves—they only care about what they want, when they want it; if that means breaking hearts along the way.
Don’t be afraid to cut family out if you feel like they’re just not good for you to be around.
Go on adventures, even if they’re uncomfortable or awkward.
Go on adventures in your 20s! Don’t be afraid to do things alone for personal growth. Even if they’re uncomfortable or awkward, even if you don’t know where it’s all leading.
The best part about being in your 20s is that you have all kinds of experiences at your fingertips, so don’t be afraid to try new things!
How to Find Yourself in your 20s: Final Thoughts
There’s no shame in not having everything figured out by the time you’re 30. We’re all on our own timeline with our own circumstances and sometimes we lose ourselves along the way, but you can find your way back to yourself.
I hope you enjoyed reading about how to find yourself in your 20s.
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