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Ready to learn how to glow up for summer 2021?
Summer is pretty much here, and it’s that time that everyone wants to glow up!
Glowing up for the summer has a lot to do with it being bikini season, but it’s much more than that.
Having that ultimate summer glow up isn’t about your body.
The real glow up comes from your confidence and mindset.
But there are definitely some things you can do to experience that mindset shift.
How to Glow up for Summer 2021
Skincare Routine for Summer
I won’t lie. I used to be one of those girls that loved tanning in summer. A little too much.
Now it’s all about protecting our skin. My skin has THANKED me for the new routine I’ve been doing.
I started a new nighttime skincare routine that uses retinol to prevent fine lines and wrinkles (it’s best to start at 25!)
I’m also trying to reverse as much skin damage as I can by using a vitamin C serum in the morning and sunscreen throughout the day.
Here are the products I’ve used that have completely SAVED my face.
- Equate foaming facial cleanser (compared to Cerave)
- Cerave PM facial moisturizer
- The INKEY List Retinol Serum
- TruSkin Vitamin C serum
- The Ordinary Peeling Solution
- Neutrogena Age Shield Sunscreen
You didn’t actually think you’d read about glowing up and not see exercise did you?
Exercise isn’t just good for getting that “summer body.” It’s even more important because it makes you feel so much better.
It also doesn’t hurt to get in better shape for all of those fun summer activities you’ll be doing!
Related: Self Care for the Mind you should Practice Daily
Drink More Water
You can never get enough water. Especially in summer when you’re sweating it all out.
Water will keep you feeling your best and help your skin glow.
I like to use a water bottle that tracks how much I’ve drank throughout the day.
Hair Care Routine
I’ve had balayage for a while, but it was looking bad and I decided to go back to my natural hair color.
The only thing was that my hair was super damaged.
The best thing you can do for your hair to repair damage is use Olaplex. I used Olaplex No. 3, and my hair WOULD NOT have survived without it.
If you want that hair glow up for summer, I also like to use a the Garnier leave in conditioner and OGX coconut oil.
How to Glow Up Mentally
Use Affirmations
We’ve talked about how to glow up physically, so now let’s get to the personal development stuff.
One thing you can start doing this summer to glow up mentally is start using affirmations.
Affirmations are simple positive statements that can help you succeed.
All you do is say or write a goal as if it was already achieved. This gives you the mindset you need to actually achieve that goal.
There are so many affirmations you can do.
You can say things like
- I am confident in myself
- I am healthy and happy
- I am successful in everything I do
Here are more affirmations for summer 2021.
Related: Goal Setting Mistakes to Avoid at all Costs
Start a Journal
If you missed out on starting a journal at the beginning of the year, the half way mark is the next best time.
Writing in a journal can make you grateful, help you live intentionally, and get your frustrations out in a healthy way.
If you want, you can even write the affirmations above in a journal.
Related: 5 Reasons Why you should Start Journaling
Meditating is a way that you can add calm into your life.
Glowing up means you start radiating positive energy, and one of the best ways you can do that is through meditation.
Start in a comfortable position. Either laying down or sitting upright.
Observe your breath without changing it and just get in your zone. Then start inhaling deeply for as long as comfortable. Exhale for 2 seconds longer than you inhale.
When thoughts come, just observe them and then let them float away like clouds.
Declutter your Space
I don’t know about you, but cleaning my space makes me feel happier and energetic.
A glow up of your space also means a glow up of you.
Start with the small things. Sell or giveaway clothes or other things you never use.
Put your things away in containers. Pick things up off your floor. Declutter your phone and computer. Declutter your space = declutter your life.
Transform your Mindset
Transforming your mindset will transform your life. You’ll see everything through a different, better lens and that’s the ultimate glow up for summer.
You can do this through some things we talked about like journaling and meditating.
You can also transform your mindset by being more mindful.
Do things with intention. Start paying attention to the things that make you feel good… and the things that make you feel bad.
If something is making you feel bad, get to the bottom of why. You can see the situation from a different perspective and transform your mindset to be more positive. But keep in mind, it’s okay that sometimes things make you feel bad and to be negative. It’s all about balance.
Related: How to Romanticize your Life
Learn to be More Confident
Last but most importantly, learn to be more confident. One of the most important lessons in how to glow up for summer 2021 is being confident in yourself.
Easier said than done, I know.
Pretend you’re talking to your 5 or 10 year old self. Would you still be saying the things you’re saying to yourself right now?
Probably not. If you catch yourself thinking negatively, try to put a positive spin on it instead.
How to Glow Up for Summer 2021: Summary
I hope you liked how to glow up for summer 2021. You don’t just need this for summer. You can use this year round!
You’ll be glowing inside AND out.
Don’t forget to pin this for later!

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