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Do you ever scroll through social media for hours and end up wishing you lived like other people?
You might find yourself feeling like you’re not enough because you see people living the life you want to live.
It doesn’t have to be like that.
All you have to do is see the good in your life and make it happen.
Keep reading to find out how to romanticize your life.
Why you need to Romanticize your Life
The better question is, why not?
You only have one life.
Why wouldn’t you want to be in love with just living your life?
If you’re just letting life pass you by without appreciating the small things, are you really even living?
Stop wasting time and start loving your life.
You’re the main character in your story. Not the side character. You get to wake up every day and decide how you choose to see your life.
When you start to romanticize your life, even the most mundane things become spectacular.
How to Romanticize your Life
Notice the Small Things
Your freckles. The smell of fresh coffee. A house to clean. The sun rising in the morning even when you don’t feel like getting up.
These are all small things that you probably take for granted every day.
When you stop and smell the roses, you stop your life from just passing you by.
Take time each day to notice the small things you wouldn’t normally notice. Take the small things you normally dread doing and look at them in a different light.
Romanticize your life and all of these little things in it.
Learn to Love Yourself First
First and foremost, you should learn to love yourself. Your happiness can only come from YOU. Don’t depend on anyone else for your happiness.
To start seeing the beauty in your life, you need to see the beauty in yourself. Here are some self love quotes to get you started.
Don’t be Afraid to do Things Alone
I used to be scared of doing things alone. I wouldn’t go in to eat if I was by myself. I assumed everyone was looking at me and thinking “That girl must be boring- she’s by herself.”
First of all, not the case at all. Second, even if this were the case, you can’t care what other people think. As hard as it is, you need to stop that right now.
You want to go on that trip, but no one can go? Don’t let that hold you back. Go anyway. Learn to be happy by yourself.
Dance like No One’s Watching
Not only should you not be afraid to do things alone, you should just not care what people think in general.
There have been times (and there still are) where I see someone doing something that I think is super cool. But I think I could never do that.
I wish I could be that person that just doesn’t care and has a good time.
You can be that person.
If your favorite song comes on, get up and dance. Don’t be afraid. Trust me, if anyone is watching, it’s because they wish they didn’t have a care in the world like you.
Take Yourself on a Date
Don’t wait for someone to take you on a date. Take yourself on a date. Get all dressed up and take yourself to dinner. Get yourself a cute little picnic basket and blanket and go on a picnic. Have some wine.
You don’t have to be with someone to get dressed and treat yourself to something nice.
Incorporate your Favorite Things Every Day
Do at least one thing you love every day. Whether it’s a hobby or product or anything else, make time for it.
Maybe you really look forward to that cup of coffee every morning. Maybe it’s getting the chance to paint or do something creative. Make sure you do or use at least one thing you love every day.
Take Risks
Quit your 9-5. Start a blog. Travel the world.
If you want to romanticize your life, you need to take risks. Could starting a business be a failure? Yeah, it could. It could also be a success.
Have this mindset with everything. At least you tried.
Don’t let yourself get to the end of your life and wish you would have taken more risks.
Be grateful
In order to romanticize your life, you have to be grateful, even for all of the small things. When you start being grateful for all of the small things, you’ll realize how much you actually love your love.
One way I love to do this is through gratitude journaling. Grab some free gratitude printables to help you start romanticizing your life.

Buy Yourself Flowers
This may sound silly, but buy yourself flowers. Who says you have to wait on someone to buy them for you. If you like flowers, don’t be afraid to go to the store and get some.
This is a great way to pick yourself up if you’re having a bad day.
Do things that Make you Feel Good
In order to romanticize your life, you need to be filling it with things that make you feel good physically and mentally.
Start incorporating some of these self care practices. Wear that outfit that makes you feel great. Meditate. Do whatever it is that makes you feel good.
Take Pictures
If you see something beautiful, capture it. Save it for a rainy day. If you’re ever feeling down or need a pick-me-up, you can go back and look at the pictures you’ve taken.
Taking pictures of the things you love is a great reminder to romanticize your life.
You can take pictures with a phone or get a super cute instant camera.
Final Thoughts on Romanticizing your Life
The next time you’re watching a movie or see someone on social media and think “I wish my life was like that” think about this list and why you should be thinking about your own life in this way.
Learn to love the little things about your life and realize that you already are that person on social media that you aspire to be.
You just have to learn how to romanticize your life so you see it that way.
Yes, learning to love yourself first is key. When I started doing that, it’s like the world became a Disney movie and I was the Disney princess. All of my daily routines became fun again and I started going out more like to the library, the park, the museum, etc. I found joy in the little things without spending a ton of money.
Yes, it’s like you can finally appreciate all of the small things. 🙂