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Today I’m sharing 25 journal prompts to heal your inner child.
There’s a reason for almost everything you do. The things you like and dislike. The way you react to stress. The voice in your head telling you that you’re not enough.
We carry our experiences with us everywhere. It has shaped who we are today.
But many of us are hurting today, possibly from some of the things that happened in our childhood. Whether you experienced trauma or not, we all have an inner child that we can tend to begin our healing journey.
These inner child journal prompts are meant to be thought-provoking ways to learn more about your inner child. If you feel you are ready, you can use these prompts as inner child healing exercises to address things in your childhood that are still affecting you to this day.

What is your Inner Child?
Before we get into the prompts, let’s talk about what exactly your inner child is.
Your inner child is your subconscious. It’s the voice in your head that influences everything you think or do. It’s made up of our experiences, both good and bad.
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Why does your Inner Child Need Healed?
No matter how old we get, we still feel the hurt that we experienced in our childhood whether we realize it or not. If you don’t cope very well, this could go back to your childhood. You might still feel guilty about something.
It’s easier said than done, but you can address these needs you had as a child to help you heal as an adult. Inner child work means that you are exploring your emotions you may have repressed so you can fully accept yourself.
These journal prompts to heal your inner child are meant to recover those emotions, release them, and create the safety that you needed as a child.
You may cry a lot as you go through these personal growth prompts, and that’s okay. You might feel all of the hurt you felt as a child. If you don’t feel ready, that’s okay.
If you are, here are 25 journal prompts to heal your inner child. Grab a pen and a notebook, take some deep breaths, and remember to not be too hard on yourself.
Related: How to Create a Personal Development Plan
Journal Prompts to Heal your Inner Child
- What are some things I used to love that I don’t anymore?
- What happened when I voiced an opinion that was different than my parents?
- How do you feel when you express your opinions today?
- If you saw yourself as a child crying and upset, what would you tell them?
- Describe a time where you felt like you weren’t listened to as a child. What would you tell them?
- Who did you look up to as a child. Has that changed and why?
- What did you do for fun as a kid? Do you still do those things? Why?
- What experiences have led to the fears you have today?
- Where was your safe space as a child and why?
- Is there anything you blame your parents for?
- What do you feel guilty about?
- What about yourself are you afraid to express?
- What is something your parents did that you resent?
- What is something your parents did that made you happy?
- What was the most difficult thing you went through as a child?
- What are your pet peeves? Can you think of why they started?
- What still upsets you about your childhood?
- Who do you feel the most fake around and why?
- Who are you the most authentic around and why?
- How do you deal with being overwhelmed?
- When you played pretend as a child, what did you imagine?
- How would you make yourself feel loved as a child?
- What’s your favorite childhood story?
- What were your dreams as a child?
- What do you feel is holding you back?

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