I love how every year around the holidays, we usually always think of everything we’re thankful for. I’ve made a goal for myself to be thankful throughout the year instead of just Thanksgiving.
Sometimes when we’re going through hard times, it’s difficult to get in the mindset of being thankful.
It’s been proven that people who practice gratitude are usually happier than people who don’t.
Here are some ideas of things to be thankful for in 2023.

If you have a family, then you have the world. I’m so grateful to have a supportive family that I can turn to.
Not everyone has blood family, and that’s okay. You don’t have to necessarily be related to consider people family.
I think friends are just as important as family, and they’re one of the most important things to be thankful for in 2023.
Friends are the people who support you when you’re down and lift you up when things get tough. They’ll show up on your doorstep with a pot of soup when they know all hell has broken loose in your life, but they’ll also call it like they see it when it’s time for some tough love. Friends can help us create new memories that will last a lifetime; they give us something to look forward to each day.
Remembering our friends is important because friendship isn’t always easy—but what makes it worthwhile? Being thankful for the good (and bad) times we’ve shared together is crucial because these relationships make us better versions of ourselves: kinder, stronger and more resilient people than we would otherwise be without their influence in our lives.
This week, take the time to catch up on sleep and relaxation. Since you’re not going to be able to do this during the workweek, it’s important to make sure you get it in over the weekend. Your body will thank you!
The weekend is also a great time for spending time with friends and family. If you don’t have any plans with individuals that matter most to you, now is as good a time as ever to make them happen!
Good Health
Good health is a blessing. It’s more than just being free from illness and injury; it’s a state of mind and body that allows you to live your life fully.
Health is critical for personal growth and development, relationship building, work and career success, self-esteem—basically everything that makes life worth living. Your health can affect your ability to achieve goals in every area of your life.
If you’re not in good health right now, it doesn’t mean that nothing good will ever happen to you again! When you get sick or injured (and we all do), it’s easy to feel like this will last forever—and sometimes that thought can make us give up trying altogether. Or perhaps we decide our situation really isn’t bad enough yet so there’s no point in doing anything about it now…
But think about how many people suffer through their whole lives without getting any better!
Your Home
Home is a place where you can be yourself. It is a place of comfort and security. You can relax and unwind, knowing that you’re safe in the arms of your home. When you wake up in the morning and feel like your bed has been made just for you, or when your pet jumps on top of the bed to greet you with its warm body, it makes all the difference in making sure that stress doesn’t get too high!
Your Partner
A partner is the most important thing in the world. Having someone to share your life with is a blessing, and there are lots of benefits that come along with having a partner. You get to be supported emotionally and financially, but also physically (you can hold hands). It’s easier to stay motivated when you have someone who is there for you, especially if they push you to do things like finish your master’s thesis or go to the gym (instead of just watching Netflix all day).
Your partner will keep you accountable, which is good because we all need accountability sometimes! They help us grow as people by giving us feedback on what makes them happy and unhappy in our relationship—and then we can work on those things together so that both parties feel fulfilled by their relationship at its fullest potential.
Sometimes it feels like finding love takes forever! But don’t worry; every year there are more than enough new people coming into this world looking for love too–so maybe one day soon yours will find theirs too! And if not…there’s always Tinder 😉
If we can learn anything from Game of Thrones’ Cersei Lannister it should probably be: “All men must die.” This line from George RR Martin’s famous series has nothing on what happens when two people fall in love with each other though! Luckily though our lives aren’t finite but rather infinite thanks partly due to technology today – meaning even if something bad happens during any given year one could always start over again next year.
Having a Job
If you have a job, thank your lucky stars. The unemployment rate is currently at 6.6 percent, but it’s actually much higher for people ages 15 to 24—12.2 percent!
Even if I don’t like it most of the time, I’m thankful to have a job that allows me to pay all of my bills and have food on the table.
Even people who have jobs sometimes don’t get to experience that.
I’m still stressed about money all the time, but I’m also thankful to have what I do have.
Experiencing Growth
This year, I’m thankful that I can experience growth. Even if it’s from mistakes, I’m happy that I can learn from them to continue to improve myself.
Growth is a natural part of life, and it’s never easy. But growth can make you stronger, more confident and happier than you were before.
The main reason people don’t want to experience change is because they’re afraid they won’t like what they find along the way.
Remember: change doesn’t happen overnight; it takes time for our minds and bodies adapt to new habits—especially if those habits are different from what we’ve been doing all along!
Whether you’re in school or not, it’s important to keep learning new things. Learning about yourself, the world around you and others is a lifelong process that can make all the difference in your life.
Feeling our Emotions
Most of the time, I’m not really thankful for my emotions. Mostly because it’s just not something I think about unless I’m sad or angry. When I sit down and think about it, I’m glad that I have the capability to feel the range of emotions that I do.
Emotions are a normal part of life. Emotions are a way that we connect with others, and they can make us feel more connected to the world around us.
Understanding our emotions can help us to understand our own beliefs and values.
I just got my first dog almost 2 years ago and I never realized just how much I’d love him.
Dogs have a way of making you feel loved, even when they have no idea what you’re saying to them. I’ll continue to be thankful for all the dogs who are our most loyal companians.
Music is one of the greatest gifts we have, and I think it’s one of the most underrated things to be thankful for in 2023. It can help us express ourselves and our feelings in ways that words alone cannot, whether it’s through dancing or singing along to a favorite tune. Music also has a strong power over moods—you can listen to sad songs when you’re feeling down, or happy songs when your spirits are high.
It doesn’t matter what type of music you like; there’s something out there for everyone! Some people love listening to rap music because it gets their adrenaline pumping, while others prefer acoustic guitar-driven tunes because they give them time to think about life’s big questions (like “what if I were an ostrich?”). If you don’t know what kind of music suits your tastes best yet, I recommend trying new genres until something clicks with you.
The best part about music is that there’s always someone else who understands why it means so much to us—and once we find this person(s), there will always be someone else who can share our passion and enjoy making memories together through song!
Things to be Thankful for in 2023
There is so much to be grateful for in this world, I hope these tips have helped you realize what it is that makes life so wonderful.
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